
Материалы 12 апреля 2013 г.

[Интернет-журнал / Культура]
Марина Лев
Что общего у космонавтов и монахов? Благословлено ли исследование Вселенной? Как относиться к «свидетельствам» о контактах с инопланетянами? Зачем иноку понадобилось пройти «предкосмическую подготовку»? Как молятся «насельники» орбитальных станций?
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Ольга Рожнёва
Жизнь преподобного была полна скорбей – порой очень тяжелых, на грани человеческих сил – и духовных утешений, чудесных знаков, указывавших на Промысл Божий в жизни старца.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Михаил Шахов
Портал Православие.Ru продолжает публикацию всей книги на своих страницах.
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Особенно близко к сердцу святитель принимал задачу просвещения языческих народов Сибири. Епископ побуждал клир разделять его усердие и превращал монастыри, в которых он постригал своих наиболее верных учеников, в миссионерские центры.
[Встреча с Православием / Апологетика]
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Это подлинные ювелирные творения и одновременно – точно настроенные механизмы связи с внешним миром. Их сложность и точность заставляет смеяться при слове «эволюция» и снимать шляпу при слове «Творец».
[Встреча с Православием / Православная библиотека]
Кто хочет говорить о любви Божией, тот покушается говорить о Самом Боге; простирать же слово о Боге погрешительно и опасно для невнимательных. Любовь собственно есть отложение всякого противного помышления; ибо любы не мыслит зла (1 Кор 13, 5).

Мониторинг СМИ

Митрополит Месогейский и Лавреотикийский Николай выступил со специальным обращением, посвящённым сложившейся в Греции ситуации.

English Edition

[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Thus it happens also with the soul: one person sins a little, but what a great amount of time he later spends shedding his blood to correct himself! However, physical ailments are prolonged for many reasons—either the physician is unskilled and gives one medicine when he should have given another, or the patient does not conduct himself properly and does not follow the prescriptions of the physician. But with regard to the soul it is different. We cannot call the physician unskilled, and say that he does not give the right medicine. For the physician of souls is Christ, Who knows everything and gives a fitting treatment for every passion.
[Orthodoxy Around the World]
Olga Mamona
God made it happen! The meeting with our prisoners was an incident unprecedented in world diplomacy. For the first time the leader of the group that held the prisoners, met us—basically, his opponents—with flowers in his hands. Moreover, all of the prisoners were put in a room where the floors were covered with carpets, had juice and water, and each was given flowers and gifts. For a long time I tried to understand the meaning of these gestures...
On Wednesday, the French Court of Appeal had the last word in the litigation that had lasted for several years, assigning to the Russian Federation the ownership of St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice.
With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all the Russias, the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society collected humanitarian aid for Syria on March 31 through April 10, 2013. The initiative met with an immediate response from Muscovites.
In the midst of ongoing violence in Syria, the Syrian Orthodox Church is reaching out to people from the city of Homs who lost homes, livelihoods and family members even as its own ministries have been affected.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
The main troparion of Palm Sunday is the same one sung on Lazarus Saturday. It is sung at all of the services, and is used at the Divine Liturgy as the third antiphon which follows the other special psalm verses which are sung as the liturgical antiphons in the place of those normally used.
An exhibition of medieval manuscripts and books from the collection of the famous English collector, patron, thinker and arts theorist, John Ruskin, is taking place in the Jean Paul Getty's Museum in California.