Материалы 29 июля 2015 г.
Седмица 9-я по Пятидесятнице. День постный. Сщмч. Афиногена епископа и десяти учеников его (ок. 311). Мч. Павла и мцц. Алевтины (Валентины) и Хионии (308). Мчч. Антиоха врача (IV). Память святых отцов IV Вселенского Собора (451). Мц. Иулии девы (ок. 440 или 613). Блж. Матроны Анемнясевской, исп (1936). Cщмч. Иакова, архиеп. Барнаульского, и с ним сщмчч. Петра и Иоанна пресвитеров, прмч. Феодора (1937). Прмч. Ардалиона (1938). Чирской (Псковской) иконы Божией Матери (1420). [Встреча с Православием / Апологетика] Что же такое йога на самом деле? Как связана она с индуизмом, с мистическими практиками? Насколько безопасен этот «комплекс упражнений» для души и тела? [Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви] Влияет ли то, что мы говорим, на наше внутреннее устроение? И почему, чтобы научиться правильно говорить, нужно научиться молчать? Мониторинг СМИ28 июля 2015 года, день памяти святого равноапостольного князя Владимира, стал кульминацией церковно-государственных торжеств по случаю 1000-летия преставления Крестителя Руси. В этот день Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кириллсовершил Божественную литургию в кафедральном соборном Храме Христа Спасителя г. Москвы. После чтения Евангелия Предстоятель Русской Церкви обратился к верующим со словами проповеди. English Edition[News] Sister Alevtina, a nun of Florovsky Convent in Kiev, was found murdered in her apartment on Wednesday. [News] According to the unofficial sources, the number of people participating in the procession of the cross was much more than given in the official reports. The estimated number of participants, according to the unofficial data, is about 100,000. [News] Concerning the impending address of the Federal Parliament concerning same-sex marriage, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia Archbishop Stylianos has issued na encyclical to his Australian flock. [Suffering Church] Five Christian widows who lost their husbands amid the mayhem that broke out in August, 2008, when the assassination of a local Hindu leader was blamed on the Christian minority told the stories of their husbands' murders to Crux. [News] Kiev priest Roman Nikolayev (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate), died of gunshot wounds on Wednesday morning at the age of 40. [News] With the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside of Russia, Saint Michael the Archangel Orthodox Mission in Pakistan celebrated the establishment of the first ROCOR parish and proper worship space for the Orthodox faithful in Pakistan. They are thankful to the Lord Who is gracious and that the mission work is expanding with every passing day and the number of Orthodox faithful is also increasing day by day. [News] Thousands of Americans took part Tuesday in rallies throughout the country calling for the investigation and defunding of Planned Parenthood. [News] A public school district in Georgia will have to pay a humanist organization $22,500 through its insurance carriers after the organization sued the school system over allegations that local high school coaches led their teams in prayers and included biblical passages on official team log books and promotional banners. [News] Bishop Ambrosius, the head of the Greek Orthodox Church delegation visiting Russia, said that Greece needs Russia's help with its economic crisis. [Orthodoxy Today] On Monday, July 27, 2015, the Board of Trustees and Faculty Council of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary bestowed a Doctor of Divinity degree honoris causa upon The Most Blessed John X (Yazigi), Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] In her childbearing, moreover, Ruth becomes a paradoxical channel through which Abraham reaches to David, thus fulfilling Jacob’s prophecy of the royalty promised, near the end of Genesis, to the tribe of Judah. [News] A new function has appeared on the official website of Valaam Monastery in Russia—online-transmission from web cameras, installed on the bell tower of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral. Now the world of Valaam can be viewed not only by pilgrims and tourists, but also by visitors of the www.valaam.ru website. Српска верзиjа[Вести] Украјински председник Петар Порошенко сматра да у Украјини треба да буде створена сопствена «помесна православна црква» и у томе рачуна на помоћ васељенског патријарха. |