Материалы 17 августа 2015 г.
[Встреча с Православием / Подвижники благочестия] Ровно год назад, 17 августа 2014 года, Предстоятелем Украинской Православной Церкви Московского Патриархата стал митрополит Черновицкий и Буковинский Онуфрий... [Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви] Митрополит Лимасольский Афанасий Святые были деликатны и могли без давления помочь человеку осознать его ошибку. Я вам приведу пример. Однажды на Афон приехал человек, который ненавидел своего отца. [Интернет-журнал / Культура] Роман Носиков – Это всё русский дух! Мы такой особый народ! Мы можем с гранатами под танки! – говорят мне патриоты. – Мы можем с зубилом на Марс! Мониторинг СМИМитрополит Бориспольский Антоний (Паканич) Само название «Спас» указывает на то, что эти праздники связаны со Спасителем мира, Господом нашим Иисусом Христом, и напоминают нам о необходимости веры в Него. Примечательно, что кроме сугубо религиозного контекста, празднование этих событий имеет также измерение народной жизни, откуда и возникли наименования трех Спасов. Андрей Рогозянский Дети отходят от Церкви? Скажем честно, внутренне мы на это согласны. Мы смирились с невозможностью христианского воспитания. По принятому мнению, любой ребенок ориентируется на сверстников, а в подростковом возрасте приходит к отрицанию и разрыву со старшими. English Edition[News] A recent shipment of medical equipment valued at $680,000 arrived in Dnipropetrovsk. Bishop Anatoliy Kalyuzhny of the “New Life” church traveled to the United States after Maidan to seek out religious organizations willing to help suffering Ukrainians, and he founded Project C.U.R.E. which gathered the medical equipment to be shipped to Ukraine. [News] “I am asking you to hear the appeal of Orthodox residents of Zaporizhia and protect our residents from moral decay and degradation that leads to sin in the religious sense and to decline of culture and civilization in the secular sense ... We are against all that destroys family values, against manifestations and propaganda of sin,”the hierarch said. [News] The theological seminary at the monastery Krka dates from the time of the Patriarch of Pec Pajsije Janjevac (1614-1647). Metropolitan Teodor of Dabar-Bosnia, as the exarch of all of Dalmatia, in 1615, ordered that a theological school be founded in the monastery Krka. [News] St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in West Babylon, Long Island, NY is hosting a festive fundraiser for the repair of their parish which suffered millions of dollars’ worth of fire damage last month. [Homilies and Spiritual Instruction] Protopresbyter George Konstantopoulos The Orthodox Christian respects and loves the clergy. Knowing that the clergy are servants of God and man, devoting their life for the salvation of Christ’s flock. The Orthodox Christian expresses his gratitude and respect to them on every occasion. [News] Although RFL reports that Tsorionov is a “well-known Orthodox activist”, the Russian Orthodox Church dissociates itself with the controversial activist, and supports all efforts by law enforcement agents to bring them to justice for their actions. [News] Metropolitan Agathangel of Odessa and Izmayil together with other leaders of Christian churches of Odessa has called upon the local authority to prevent holding of the “pride parade” that was planned by the city’s LGBT-community. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] St. Nikolai Velimirovich There was a great persecution of Christians during the reign of Decius. The emperor himself came to Ephesus and there arranged a boisterous and noisy celebration in honor of the lifeless idols as well as a terrible slaughter of Christians. Seven young men, soldiers, refrained from the impure offering of sacrifices and they earnestly prayed to the one God to save the Christian people. They were the sons of the most influential elders of Ephesus and their names were Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martin [Martinian], John, Dionysius, Exacustodianus, and Antonin [Antoninus]. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] Greeks consider the Dormition of Theotokos on August 15 to be the “Easter” of summer and celebrate it with great splendor throughout the country. [Orthodoxy Today] All of the people I met and heard at this conference exhibited the signs of having a settled faith, a stark contrast with much of the climate in religion today. [News] The sixth and most recent video features Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job as a “procurement technician” at the fetal tissue company and biotech start-up StemExpress in late 2012. That’s the company that acts as a middleman and purchases the body parts of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood to sell to research universities and other places. [News] The Church of Saints Joachim and Anna in Mhardeh was subjected to rocket fire during the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Dormition. [News] At 64, the former vocalist for hard-rock groups Rainbow and Deep Purple has joined a list of artists better known for earlier work who have jumped to the defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin. [News] 67% of Russian residents believe that authors should not insult religious feelings in their works of art. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] St. Kosmas of Aetolia God, the all-good and most merciful, my brethren, is one, and whoever says that there are many Gods is a devil. He is triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; yet one nature, one glory, one kingdom, one God. He is all light, all joy, all compassion, all love. Српска верзиjа[Вести] Монументална монографија „Цетињски манастир рођења пресвете Богородице 1484-2014“, која је недавно објављена поводом 530 година од оснивања цетињског манастира синоћ је представљена на препуном „Тргу од ћирилице“ у Херцег Новом. [Историjа] Протојереј-ставрофор Славко Зорица, професор Традиција православних духовних школа на подручју Далмације сеже у далеку прошлост. Могло би се рећи да од када постоје три српска манастира, Крупа (1317), Крка (1350) и Драговић (1395), да од тада датира и нека врста српског школства и писмености у њима [Вести] Његова Светост Патријарх српски г. Иринеј, поводом јубилеја Богословије Света Три Јерарха у манастиру Крки, посетиће од 18. до 20. августа 2015. године Епархију далматинску.
Новости 17 августа 2015 г.