
Материалы 18 сентября 2015 г.

[Интернет-журнал / Идеи и концепции]
Епископ Душанбинский и Таджикистанский Питирим
Как проявляется подлинная пастырская любовь? И куда ведет людей пастух, который благостно играет на свирели?
[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Об особом опыте, который дается человеку, постоянно наблюдающему страдания и смерть, о том, как «переболеть» болезнь детей и их уход, о нашей помощи страдающим.
[Интернет-журнал / Книжная закладка]
Ольга Просветова
«Милая сестричка, есть то, о чем я тебе никогда не рассказывала. Самая большая ошибка в моей жизни...»

Мониторинг СМИ

Надежда Калашникова
Клирик Казанского храма в Вырице иеромонах Мефодий (Зинковский) недавно выпустил монографию, посвященную православному учению о личности. Он считает, что личностью является всякий человек и что настоящий личностный рост возможен только в Боге.
Архимандрит Александр (Федоров)
Об отношении верующих к останкам, приписываемых царской семье и неразгаданных тайнах убийства императора рассказывает настоятель Петропавловского собора архимандрит Александр (Федоров).
18 сентября Церковь совершает память преподобномученика Афанасия Брестского, святого 17 века, чья героическая борьба против католической унии за единство православного народа Западной Руси особенно актуальна именно сегодня.
Протоиерей Владимир Косточка
В 19 лет мне попалась в руки книга «История древней Ассирии» Д. Садаева. Книга была маленькой, в советские времена напечатанная, в которой были ссылки на древние источники, философию, в том числе и на Библию. Меня это сильно увлекло. И вот так потихоньку через изучение библейской истории своего народа я пришёл к Церкви, став православным священником.

English Edition

A federal court has shut down a pro-choice group’s attempt to prevent the Center for Medical Progress from releasing more Planned Parenthood videos.
The U.S. House of Representatives voted today to defund Planned Parenthood while legislators continue their investigation of allegations that the abortion giant is profiting from the sale of fetal body parts. The bill would take the $235 million of savings and invest it into Federally Qualified Health Centers.
The bill makes killing a baby born from a botched abortion first-degree murder, and requires reporting of violations of the law. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, and Constitution Subcommittee Chairman Trent Franks, R-AZ, said in a statement that "this legislation sends a strong message to those who are in the horrific business of abortions that there are real consequences for those who would kill or abandon children after they are outside a mother’s womb."
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Dmitry Lapa
St. Bega is said to have been Irish. She was a virgin who led a holy life in north-western England. The legend says that she was an Irish princess, the most beautiful in her kingdom, who fled from her native land to avoid marriage with a pagan Viking—a Norwegian prince. Guided by an angel, Bega refused a pagan husband, as she wanted to devote her life to the Heavenly Bridegroom—Christ.
Metropolitan Chrisostomos of Patras will present a shrine with the relics of St. Andrew the First-Called to the Russian Black Sea Fleet during the ship's visit to the Patras port on September 22. The shrine will be positioned in the Sevastopol garrison church.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
The Holy Prophet Zachariah and the Righteous Elizabeth were the parents of the holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John. They were descended from the lineage of Aaron: St Zachariah, son of Barach, was a priest in the Jerusalem Temple, and St Elizabeth was the sister of St Anna, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. The righteous spouses, "walking in all the commandments of the Lord" (Luke 1:6), suffered barrenness, which in those times was considered a punishment from God.
Collected by a Salesian missionary to Japan in the early 20th century, letters and documents showing the history of Christians in the land of the rising sun have been recently restored by the Vatican archives and library. The collection conveys the story of the persecution of Christians in Japan, a story that Pope Francis has often recalled when speaking of the "hidden Christians" who knew how to keep and pass on the faith in a time of persecution, and even when deprived of priests.
Bulgaria's parliament on Thursday lifted the statute of limitations for prosecuting political crimes from the communist era, clearing the way to pursue cases including the notorious assassination of an exiled dissident.
[Orthodoxy Today]
“Sensationalism, headlines, and an obsession with the end of times, with the apocalypse—these are the topics that captivate the heart of man today,” says Priest Andre Paez of Saint John the Evangelist Mission here. “We live in a time of fear, in which people suffer from stress, depression and anxiety due to the fear of an unknown future, volatile economic markets, political turmoil, global wars, terrorism, and more. We are faced and surrounded with a seemingly ever increasing darkness. Yet, in the midst of this darkness and shadow of death, there is hope, as Jesus Christ has been victoriously shining forth since the day of His glorious resurrection.”
On September 16 an incident occurred at the parish of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (ROCOR) in San Francisco, which is the former St. Tikhon of Zadonsk orphanage where St. John Maximovitch lived. A mentally disturbed man entered the building and began to throw things about. Thankfully, God preserved this holy place through the intervention of his priest Fr. Dimitri Jakimowicz, who asks for prayers for the offender, Valeriy.
[Orthodoxy Today]
Andrew Gould
"As one of the participants, I found the experience broadening and fascinating in several ways. It was a great joy to sing with such an excellent group of musicians, and it was a surprise to see how readily this international group of voices blended. The guest singers were from the USA, Canada, and Australia. Most did not speak Russian, and some had little to no experience singing in Slavonic. Thanks to excellent transliterated scores from Musica Russica and crystal-clear directing on the part of Maestro Gorbik, it took little time for this group to blend perfectly with the professional singers who joined us from the Podvorye Male Choir and the Moscow Conservatory."
"Secularism will never cope with the challenge of religious fanaticism and extremism coming to Europe today. Secularism will always lose to religious or pseudo-religious extremism. Even if secularism successfully beats off religious and public radicalism with the help of power and money for some time, it won't last long, only for 20-30 years/"
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Ted Bobosh
Salvation is so much richer than the mere payment of a debt. Salvation restores our humanity to us be reuniting humanity to divinity. Christ’s desire was to bring us to Paradise, not just cancel a debt, but to save us, restore our humanity and unite us to the divine life.

Српска верзиjа

Заменик премијера Аркадиј Дворкович је данас изјавио да Русија више неће производити намирнице уз коришћење генетски модификованих организама (ГМО). Ову одлуку је донела влада. «Што се тиче генетски модификованих организама питање није једноставно, али је одлука донета: нећемо производити намирнице уз коришћење генетски модификованих организама,» - изјавио је он на форуму «БиоКиров-2015» у петак.
Поводом захтева владе самопроглашене државе Косова за чланство у УНЕСКУ, изражавамо дубоку забринутост Српске Православне Цркве. Евентуално усвајање тога захтева имало би, уверени смо, далекосежне последице како за сâмо хришћанско културно наслеђе тако и за перспективу заједничког живота Срба, Албанаца и других на Косову и Метохији у будућности.
Поводом крсне славе града Источно Сарајево, Светог Петра Сарајевског Зимоњића, служена је света литургија у храму у Војковићима, а најзласлужнији појединци и колективи добили су признања и захвалнице за допринос промоцији Сарајевско-романијске регије.
Игуман Петар (Драгојловић)
Од тренутка насилног укидања Пећке Патријаршије 1766. године, жеља и тежња свих Црногорских Митрополита као и свих Црногораца, била је да се у повољним историјским околностима поново васпостави Црквено јединство свих Српских Помjесних Цркава у једну и јединствену Православну Пећку Патријаршију