Hieromonk Iov (Gumerov) Meets with the Clergy and Laity of Holy Protection Church in Cabramatta

December 26, 2011

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With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on December 25, 2011, Hieromonk Iov (Gumerov), a resident of Sretensky Stavropighial Monastery in Moscow, Russia, met with the clergy and laity of the Sydney Deanery at Holy Protection Church in Cabramatta, Australia. Fr Iov is a renowned author of many books on religion.

The evening opened with a keynote address by Protopriest Boris Ignatievsky, rector of Holy Protection Church, after which Fr Iov read a lecture titled “Divine Providence in the Life of the World and Mankind.” Hieromonk Iov then presented his book “A Thousand Questions to a Priest,” after which the eminent guest answered questions. Many of these questions pointed to the wonderful benefit the reconciliation within the Russian Orthodox Church of 2007 brought.

The evening concluded with a splendid dinner prepared by the parish sisterhood headed by Vera Paramonova.

Official website of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

28 декабря 2011 г.

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