Материалы 23 апреля 2011 г.
 [Встреча с Православием / Богослужение] 10 / 23 апреля. Суббота Страстной седмицы Великого поста. Сретенский монастырь. Вечерня с Литургией Василия Великого. Хор Сретенской Духовной семинарии. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 154:51 мин. Размер 74.4 Mb)  [Встреча с Православием / Проповеди] Иеромонах Игнатий (Шестаков) Тело Господа нашего Иисуса Христа снято с Креста Его учениками и положено во гробе. Вселенная как будто замерла в предчувствии величайшего события. А мы с вами собрались сегодня во храме, движимые любовью и верностью, которой были движимы жены мироносицы, Иосиф Аримафейский и другие последователи и ученики Христа. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 6:09 мин. Размер 3 Mb)  [Встреча с Православием / Православная библиотека] Участь всех хотящих спастись — страдать. Поэтому, аще страдаем, да радуемся, ибо содевается наше спасение. English Edition [Sretensky Monastery] Dear Parishioners of Sretensky Monastery, Readers of Pravoslavie.ru/Orthodox Christianity Brothers and Sisters! [News] In Georgia, about a hundred prisoners will be released for Pascha, reports "Trend" new agency, which cites the head of the commission for clemency, Elena Tevtoradze.  [Church History] Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) The skeptics gather “witnesses” in order to cast doubt on the miracle of descending the Holy Fire, they once again display incompetence in basic methods of scholarly and scientific research. Unbelief and skepticism are barren, infertile. “As someone withdrawing from the light does not in the least do harm to the light, but does very great harm to himself, becoming immersed in darkness, so also one accustomed to scorning the power of the Almighty does not in the least do harm to it [His power], but upon himself brings extreme harm” (John Chrysostom).  [Orthodoxy Today] Deacon Giorgi Maximov Last time in the Russian-language Internet, a whole campaign was conducted to discredit the miracle of the Holy Fire. The fundamental idea of these “exposés” is that purportedly there are Orthodox who themselves deny the genuineness of this miracle but at the same time continue to “dupe simple, ingenuous people.” What arguments are offered to support this idea of duping and conscious deceit?  [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] The Church knows herself to be "the place, the eternal reality, where the presence of Christ vanquishes Satan, hell and death itself. The solemn observance of Great Saturday help us to recall and celebrate the great truth that "despite the daily vicissitudes and contradictions of history and the abiding presence of hell within the human heart and human society," life has been liberated! Christ has broken the power of death.  [Homilies and Spiritual Instruction] Fr. Stephen Freeman The verse in John implies just the opposite – hell (condemnation) is what it is – only because we want it so. As a priest this portrayal of condemnation has been by far the most helpful approach in dealing pastorally with people. It is not the threat of what someone (God) may do to them, but the existential reality of what you are doing to yourself – even now.
Новости 23 апреля 2011 г.