
Материалы 9 марта 2015 г.

[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Полагаюсь на Господа Бога, чтобы гармонично, без конфликтов уживаться в команде. Это трудно. Но надо восхищаться людьми. Уметь видеть в каждом образ Божий.
[Интернет-журнал / Культура]
Сергей Худиев
Непристойные «прочтения» известных произведений – это не культура, а уничтожение культуры. Протест против такого уничтожения – это не «нападки Церкви на культуру». Это защита культуры от попыток ее разрушить.
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Роман Савчук
Мы не часто задумываемся об этом, но Предтеча Господень не совершал чудес...

Мониторинг СМИ

Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Если бы был в те дни Гидрометцентр, то в его сообщении по Средиземноморью был бы прогноз о штиле. Но пророк ступает на борт корабля, и стихия встает на дыбы. Потому что многое можно предсказать, но только не реакцию Бога на поведение тех, на кого Бог внимательно смотрит.

English Edition

[Orthodoxy Today]
Tatiana Veselkina, Bishop George (Schaefer)
I spent my entire life charged with various duties, and I was surprised, especially in the early days of my appointment, that I needed to be honored by other clergymen and laity, and that some felt fear at the presence of a bishop. So becoming a bishop was a revelation to me, and I had to adjust to this way of life.
After thanking everyone for their participation and before departing, President Obama embraced Archbishop Demetrios and noted the significance of faith in the Civil Rights Movement.
Fearing future legal battles, the owners of a successful Christian bakery in Indianapolis who declined to bake wedding cakes for same-sex couples have decided to shut down their business.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Those who desire to please God, ought to offer their prayers in peace and quietness, in gentleness and wisdom, and not to give scandal to others by the use of loud outcries. The Homily also contains two questions, whether the thrones and crowns are actual created things, and concerning the twelve thrones of Israel.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Archpriest George Florovsky
Indeed, the Church always stresses the permanence of her faith through the ages, from the very beginning. This identity, since the Apostolic times, is the most conspicuous sign and token of right faith-always the same. Yet, "antiquity" by itself is not an adequate proof of the true faith.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
On the day of St. Gregory Palamas, take the time needed to bake stuffed peppers to say a prayer.
[Church History]
Since we do it every year‚ it became so engrained in our fiber that we rarely stop to ponder about what does it really mean to us. It is important to know‚ after all‚ what we celebrate; otherwise it makes no sense to go on with a party that we know nothing about.
Alexey Komov, an official of the Family Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, has told an Italian news agency that progress has been made in defending human life, marriage, and the family in Russia.
Father Jonah regularly reported on the number of bricks, the kilos of sand or the quantities of cement he bought from week to week and posted photos of the construction project’s progress.
Archbishop Leo- Primate of the Finnish Orthodox Church has condemned the incident and has asked Metropolitan to clarify the issue before considering any measures against him.
A few years ago, people exploring caves outside Jerusalem came across the find of a lifetime: an ancient burial cave containing the remains of a crucified man. This find is only one in a series of finds that overturns a century-old scholarly consensus.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
St. Macarius the Great
A great difference between Christians and the men of this world. Those who have the spirit of the world are in heart and mind bound in earthly bonds, but the others long after the love of the heavenly Father, having Him only before their eyes with much desire.
An icon of the Mother of God of the Byzantine period, which a Turkish family obtained in Antakya (Antioch) and took with them to Paris (though they are Muslims) has started weeping.

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