Edicule over Holy Sepulchre to open March 22-25

Moscow, March 7, 2017


The edicule over the Tomb of the Lord will open for pilgrims somewhere between March 22 and 25, following the completion of restoration, stated Patriarch Theophilos of Jersalem at a meeting with the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation in Jerusalem, reports RIA-Novosti.

Earlier the head of the Russian Spiritual Mission announced that the sepulchre would be ready by Pascha, April 16. Now the head of the Jerusalem Church has announced that it will open ahead of schedule.

During the meeting Patriarch Theophilos blessed the program “Pray for Peace in Jerusalem” and noted the importance of the St. Andrew Foundation, and other Russian public organizations and individuals in the Holy Land. “Philanthropists from Russia have made an important contribution to the restoration of the edicule of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ,” a message from the foundation reads.

Although enough restoration will be completed to open the edicule, the Greek team working on it has also stated that another ten months and another $6 million will be needed to address the issues that caused the disintegration of the shrine in the first place, including humidity, reports Agenzia Fides.


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