More than 4 million Russians took part in Paschal service

Moscow, April 17, 2017


More than 4.3 million people in the various regions of Russia took part in the Paschal services this year. Security was provided by more than 90,000 people, reports RIA-Novosti, with reference to the site of the Russian Ministry of the Interior.

“On the night of April 15 to 16, 2017, on the territory of more than 7,000 settlements of the Russian Federation were held more than 11,000 services, festal Liturgies, and processions devoted to the celebration of the Orthodox feast of the Bright Resurrection of Christ… in which more than 4.3 million people participated,” reads the message.

According to the agency, more than 60,000 employees of Internal Affairs bodies, more than 5,000 National Guard servicemen, and more than 12,000 representatives of the Voluntary People’s Guards, as well as 7,000 Cossacks, and 3,000 employees of private security organizations provided public order and security.

As highlighted by the Ministry, religious events are continuing in Moscow and other large cities of Russia, with public order being provided by police and National Guard servicemen.


Seraphim4/18/2017 11:37 pm
To me it seems astonishing that nearly thirty years after the collapse of communism only 3% of the Russian population go to Church AT PASCHA! (by contrast, in secular UK, 9% attend church on a normal Sunday). But the Russian Church shouldn't worry about this unduly because in these dark times it is not about numbers but about being steadfast and resolute in the Faith against the overpowering pull of liberalism and modernism. It is the devil's game to make the Church liberalise in order to gain numbers and popularity.
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