Archpriest Vasily Kholmogorov included in Synaxis of New Matyrs and Confessors

December 27, 2010

At a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, December 24, 2010, a report by Metropolitan Juvenaly of Kolomna and Krutitsta, the head of the Synodal commission for the canonization of saints, about the material that has come to the Commission concerning the canonization of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, reports the Patriarchal Press Service.

Thy Synod approved Met. Juvenly’s inclusion of Archpriest Vasily (Kholmogorov, 1875–January 16, 1938) in the synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors.

The Synod also resolved to send a communiqué to the sister local Orthodox Churches to include the name of Archpriest Vasily Kholmogorov among the saints.


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