250,000 people take part in rally against abortions in the capital of Peru

Lima, March 24, 2014

Photo: EPA Photo: EPA

Around 250,000 people marched on Saturday along the streets of Lima, the capital of Peru, protesting against abortions. This information was given by the organizers of the demonstration, called "a pro-life march", which took place under the leadership of the Archbishop of the Peruvian capital and with participation of various public groups, who are opposing abortions, reports Golos Rossii.

The march was timed to coincide with "The day of a born child" celebration. This holiday, celebrated on March 25, was approved by decision of the local congress in 2002 for protection of rights of unborn children.

Human rights organizations have already condemned the demonstration, claiming that such a statement of question violates mothers' rights and demanded to pass the laws which would clearly detail the procedure and rules of making abortions according to medical parametres.

The legislation of Peru stipulates a possibility of carrying out abortions provided there is a threat to a woman's life or health. Nevertheless, this norm, which appeared as early as in 1924, has never been properly observed due to lack of respective legal mechanisms.



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