Bogorodichnoye (Bohorodichne) village of the Donetsk region, August 20, 2014

On August 16, 2014, at the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” of Bogorodichnoye village in the Sloviansk district, the Sacrament of Baptism was performed, reports the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra’s website.

Over 30 refugees, residents of the southeastern Ukraine, currently staying at the Svyatogorsk Lavra, both adults and children received Holy Baptism from the confessor of the Skete of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” Icon of the Svyatogorsk Lavra Archimandrite Zosima (Levin).

After the Sacrament the priest greeted the newly-baptized Christians and all those present, giving them words of encouragement.

The fruit of Baptism is when a person stops living for him or herself and begins to live for Christ and other people, finding the fullness of life in this, said the priest to those gathered.

By this Sacrament, a person is introduced into the Church and becomes its member. A person who has become a Christian must be absolutely reborn, according to the Savior, Who said, If you love Me, keep My commandments (Jn. 14:15), and Who promised, If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love (Jn. 15:10).