Georgian Prime Minister says that marriage should be defined in law as the union between a man and a woman

Tbilisi, June 29, 2015

The Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili has said that marriage as the union between a woman and a man should necessarily be defined in the country’s Constitution, reports RIA-Novosti.


“What is the Georgian state founded on? On our faith, owing to which we continue to live, and on the institution of family, on which a modern, strong Georgia must be based. I firmly believe it is family that is the earnest of all good things. That is why, as the Prime Minister and a citizen of Georgia, I will do my best to secure the definition of marriage, family as the union between a woman and a man by our Constitution,” said I. Garibashvili in his interview with the Asaval-Dasavali newspaper.

It should be reminded that in May 2014 the Parliament of Georgia unanimously voted for the so-called “Anti-discrimination Law” which bans any “discrimination” against homosexuals, and the Church then resolutely opposed this law.


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