The Pochayiv Lavra appeals to the Ukrainian authorities about impending threat

Pochayiv, tUkraine, July 22, 2015


The Church Council headed by Abbot of the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra has sent a number of statements to the President of the Ukraine, chairman of the Ukraine’s Security Service, and head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Ukraine. They were asked to verify the information received by the Lavra about preparations for a large-scale provocation against the monastery, seizure of its buildings and property, reports UOC MP’s official website.

“As it became known, in the near future a delivery of fire arms with “DNR” (Donetsk People’s Republic) and “LNR” (Lugansk People’s Republic) written on it on the territory of the monastery is planned. Then these firearms are supposed to be discovered by the provocateurs and used as a justification of a call for seizure of the monastery.

Moreover, they are planning a violent seizure of the monastery by a large number of people, to be brought here on buses at a certain moment, with a simultaneous reinforcement of that group by subunits from public organizations: these are supposed to provoke a conflict by instigating skirmishes, among other things,” the statements read.

The document stresses that such actions against the people and the objects of national importance are defined by the Ukraine’s Penal Code as a diversion and a criminal offence.

In addition to this, the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra is a national architectural monument and a great shrine venerated by Orthodox Christians.

Provocations around the lavra will lead to religious strife and cause further destabilization of the situation in the country with unpredictable consequences, the appeal reads.

The officials have been asked to verify the given facts and to take measures to prevent any provocations on the territory of the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra.

It has also been reported that Abbot of the Ukraine’s Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra Metropolitan Vladimir (Moroz) has addressed the faithful with a request to offer up fervent prayers for the monastery as a large-scale provocation against it is being prepared.

“New tribulations await us ahead. A large-scale provocation against the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra is being prepared. We are calling upon all our faithful to offer up fervent prayers for our monastery,” the abbot’s statement, published on the Lavra’s website, reads.

The metropolitan has noted that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC MP) is currently undergoing very hard times: a torrent of lies and untruths is often unleashed on it, while canonical churches are seized – forcibly or by deceit.”

Metropolitan Vladimir has promised to inform as to further developments around the Pochayiv Lavra on its official website, adding that in the future, “We will probably have to get information on our monastery from other sources.”

“We believe the Lord will once again deliver us from this peril. The main thing is to rely on His mercy fully and to stand in the Orthodox faith firmly amid the trials,” the statement reads.


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