July 27, 2015

Purdom’s work is inspired by her belief that the historical existence of Adam and Eve is essential to a proper understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Christian News Network reports. Whereas those who believe in evolution “argue that the science of genetics proves we cannot be descended from only two people,” and that the historicity of Adam and Eve is irrelevant to their faith, Purdom conversely believes that “An historical Adam and Eve and original sin are the foundation of the gospel” as the curse of sin and death and thus our need for salvation from them begins in Genesis 3 with Adam and Eve.
For Dr. Purdom the main point is not scientific but is rather a matter of faith: “We need the good news, grace and life, which is found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” she said. “Jesus is the solution to the problem of evil that began in Genesis 3. Paul made this connection very clear in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15.”

Purdom hopes her work can equip Christians with the scientific information necessary to support the reliability of the historical data of the Bible. “Christians should be aware of the scientific proof for creation because Genesis is the most hotly debated book among evangelical Christians,” she asserted. “We need to show people that science supports and confirms the history presented in Genesis.”
In the Orthodox Church Adam and Eve are counted among the saints and commemorated on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, falling between December 11th and 17th. The Synaxarion entry for this Sunday reads:
Commemoration of Adam and Eve, the first-formed.
I hymn the death of the authors of our living race:
Responsible that I both live and die.