Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna: Path to Holiness

August 30, 2015

The Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis, Minnesota announces the third in its series of short-term pop-up exhibitions of historical photographs, images, and related objects. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna: Path to Holiness will be on display in the Main Gallery between August 28 and 31, 2015.

Remembering the life and works of Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Romanov), the exhibition includes forty-seven photographs of the Grand Duchess and her family, as well as several contemporary photographs of the related memorial sites. Organized in 2014 in commemoration of the 150th anniversary since the birth of Grand Duchess Elizabeth, the exhibition is presented in partnership with the Russian Cultural Foundation, Washington, DC, and the Elisabethan-Sergius Educational Society, Moscow, Russia.

Royal Russia


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