Village in Dnepropetrovsk Region speaks against going over to "Kiev Patriarchate"

September 15, 2015


The Orthodox Christians of the village of Chumaki, Dnepropetrovsk Region, have united to support a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by refusing to go over to the self-proclaimed "Kiev Patriarchate."

"The people did not follow those who tried to cause a division in the community. No one came to the village meeting organized by a local farmer. Their plans did not eventuate. The people went to church," Aleksandr Ponomarenko, the head of the Zheltovodsk Deanery, was quoted by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church website as saying.

The looming schism resulted in the reconciliation of the Orthodox Christians, who were united by Father Ioann, the senior priest of a local church, who has a spotless reputation among his flock. That decision played the decisive role and members of the village community decided to reconcile in church during a divine service.

According to earlier reports, the local village community was faced with the threat of division after the local administration and an influential businessman began the process of transferring the community to the "Kiev Patriarchate."



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