Actor Tom Hanks visits Orthodox church in Antarctica

Source: Foma

February 15, 2016


Famous actor Tom Hanks visited the Orthodox church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Antarctica at the Russian polar station “Bellingshausen” on Waterloo Island, Deacon Maxim Gerb, a cleric of the church in Antarctica, told the journal Foma.

“Many interesting people visit our church, including Tom Hanks who was recently sailing past our island on a yacht. He is a very open and friendly person. After he lit some candles I suggested to him to climb up to the bell tower, so I could attest that Forrest Gump was in Antarctica and can now ring bells pretty well,” commented Deacon Maxim on the actor’s visit, in his account of the life of the Orthodox community in Antarctica.

Translated by Jesse Dominick



Wusylko Michael6/14/2020 5:24 am
God bless the Russian Orthodox Church for bringing His home to every corner of earth!! Christ is risen!! In all the world. God bless Tom for his faith in Christ. We all have short comings in our lives. God forgives. Protodeacon Michael Wusylko, St. Alexander Nevsky Pittsburgh Pa.
Mandy Howe2/24/2019 5:47 pm
Tom Hanks is a known FreeMason!!!
Elizabeth Pease2/17/2016 10:01 pm
Ms. Wilson is Bulgarian and Greek from her parents. That would seem to me to indicate she was brought up Greek Orthodox. Mr. Hanks probably converted before he married her, and that is why he has questionable views about the Orthodox Church.
d. Barnabas2/16/2016 5:47 pm
It should be noted that both Tom Hanks and his wife, actress Rita Wilson, are Orthodox Christians, who attend Saint Sophia's Greek Orthodox Church in Los Angeles, athough some of his personal views are questionable (

Greetings in XC,
d. Barnabas
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