VIDEO: Fr. Zacharias Zacharou – The relationship with God: foundation for the relationship with our brethren

Source: Orthodox Teaching of the Elders

April 10, 2016

"The relationship with God: foundation for the relationship with our brethren" is a talk given by Fr. Zacharias Zacharou from Essex Monastery (disciple of Fr. Sophrony Sakharov) at The European Orthodox Christian Youth Meeting held September 4-7, 2015 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Over 5,000 Orthodox Christian youth from all over Romania and Europe gathered to be empowered in God by the words of Fr. Zacharias:

Youth is distinguished by enthusiasm for the light of knowledge… for the search for perfection, and above all, the creation of personal relationships which bring out our natural gifts. Every age, when preceded by the steady and wise redemption of the time of life through incorruptible grace, inspires thirst for a higher world towards which it longs…

If our relationships are not founded upon the assurance of our relationship with God they will be weak… always ready to collapse and in the danger of become an unending source of grieve and torment…

Those that are born by the Spirit have a heart in which dwells Christ through faith. According to Biblical Anthropology and Orthodox Tradition, the heart of man is the center of his personhood. There, choices occur and decisions are made… there, man meets with God and feels united with all generations of man…

Love for His word keeps us on the hard road of His will, so that we may put ourselves second and honor others more than ourselves.

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