Christian Slovakia Passes Law to Ban Islam

Source: CNS News

December 12, 2016

Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico. (AP) Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico. (AP)
The predominantly Christian country of Slovakia passed a law on Nov. 30 that effectively bans Islam as an officially recognized religion, which also blocks Islam from receiving any state subsidies for its schools, reported Reuters.

The prime minister, Robert Fico, said in May that "Islam has no place" in Slovakia. Prior to the law being passed, Slovak National Party Chairman Andrej Danko said, "Islamization starts with a kebab and it's already under way in Bratislava -- let's realize what we can face in 5 to 10 years."

"We must do everything we can so that no mosque is built in the future," said Danko.

The new law says that a religion must have at least 50,000 members to qualify for state recognition; the previous threshold was 20,000 members. According to Slovakia's latest census, as reported by Reuters, there are 2,000 Muslims there and "no recognized mosques."

The law passed with a two-thirds majority in the Slovakia Parliament.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Slovakia and the United States established diplomatic relations, in 1993. Slovakia is a member of the European Union and NATO. The country sits in the center of Eastern Europe, bordered by the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary.

Slovakia's population is approximately 5.4 million. As for religion, 62.2% of Slovaks are Catholic, 9% Protestant, 3.8% Greek Catholic, 1% Orthodox, and 13.4% atheist, according to the Slovak Statistical Office. (10.6% did not answer the question about their religious belief.)

CNS News

12 декабря 2016 г.

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Sada Abdulkarim14 декабря 2016, 15:00
Finally we have got a country who has the courage to speak the unspeakable. But even achieved what seems impossible Congratulations SLOVAKIA!
Matthew13 декабря 2016, 08:00
Passing a law that lifts the bar higher for Islam to be officially recognised by the state (and become eligible for school subsidies and so on) is NOT the same as banning the religion itself. Moreover, 2 of the 3 direct quotes are from the leader of the Slovak National Party, which has only 15 seats in a parliament of 150 seats. This being the case, it must be stated that the headline is very misleading.
ChiRho12 декабря 2016, 22:00
Angela and her minions aren't going to like this one bit. I bet the Media is already working overtime to find some way to destroy Prime Minister Fico's reputation in the eyes of the world. That, or a "people's revolution" organized and funded by the CIA and George Soros.
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