Материалы 5 июня 2013 г.![]() [Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви] Одутловатая, в толстых очках, тетка – а именно ей я и сунул рубль – придержала меня за рукав: «А мешка муки для бездомных деток не подашь?» ![]() [Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви] 14 июня 2013 г. в Украинском культурном центре состоится открытие персональной фотовыставки Ивана Жука «Русь православная. XXI век», посвященная 1025-летию Крещения Руси. English Edition![]() [News] Return of property confiscated in the past by the communist authorities to churches will begin in the Czech Republic. The law on this issue was passed by the Czech Parliament, but left-wing parties have appealed to the Constitutional Court asking to cancel it, because in their opinion, it was not fair. ![]() [News] On June 2, a rally took place in Paris. On the Trocadero's Square, also known as the Protection of human rights Square, Christians demanded the release of two kidnapped Syrian Hierarchs ![]() [News] The National Serbian library has started processing the immensely valuable collection of books from the private library of Patriarch Pavle that numbers about 8,000 titles. ![]() [News] His Holiness Patriarch Kirill presents relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov to Pontian parish near Athens Patriarch Kirill said that with great joy he was fulfilling the order of his predecessor, the ever-memorable Patriarch Alexiy II who, knowing the labors and ardent faith of local residents, decided to give to the church in Acharnon the holy and precious relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. ![]() [News] As part of the "Program 200,” twenty-two parish complexes are to be built in the north of Moscow. These plans were voiced at the offsite meeting of the northern administrative district's prefecture of the Russian capital that was held on June 1 by the curator of "Program 200" of the government of Moscow, Vladimir Resin |