Number of abortion opponents has increased in Russia

Moscow, August 20, 2010 - Interfax

The number of Russians who oppose a ban on abortion has decreased in Russia over the past three years, a poll revealed.

Sociologists from the Levada Center told Interfax that the number of abortion ban opponents in Russia has reduced to 48% from 57% in 2007.

A quarter of Russians believe that overall abortions should be banned and allowed only by medical referrals (20% in 2007). At the same time, another 16% want a total ban on abortions (15%).

The poll conducted between July 23 and 26 on 1,600 Russians aged from18 to 39 across 45 regions.

Seventy-three percent of Russians are not planning to have children in the next two or three years as they seek to improve their material conditions. Only 17% of respondents plan to have at least one child in the coming years. Ten percent could not answer.

The financial burden of having children was the main factor influencing their decision.

Interfax - Religion

22 августа 2010 г.

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