Fear of Violent Attacks Stalls Ex-Gay Pride Event; Previously to Be Held at Family Research Council

Washington, July 17, 2013

Voice of the Voiceless and Equality and Justice for All.org, announce September as Ex-Gay Awareness month, and will celebrate the achievements of ex-gays and bring awareness to the intolerance of members of the ex-gay community.

Christopher Doyle, the co-founder of Voice of the Voiceless (VoV), told The Christian Post on Tuesday that VoV and Equality and Justice for All have decided to continue to hold some Ex-Gay Pride events in the nation's capital at the end of the month, which will be posted on the VoV website later this week, but the reception at the FRC building has been postponed and moved to an undisclosed location to ensure the safety of speakers and guests at the event.

"When we announced that this event was going to happen at FRC about two weeks ago, we received - as did FRC - a lot of attention, which was good, but we also received a lot of negative attention," Doyle explained. "Some liberal news organizations, like the Huffington Post, started saying things about this event that weren't true, like it was being sponsored and run by FRC just because FRC was the venue. And that wasn't true at all. So that riled up a lot of people who don't like FRC, because FRC takes a very traditional stance on marriage, and they're considered, by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to be one of those anti-gay hate groups."

According to Doyle, the comments made against the Ex-Gay Pride month led to him and others receiving hate-filled emails and harassment over the phone. "And there started to be a lot of online chatter about trying to disrupt this event," he added, "trying to demonstrate against it, trying to protest it. Basically, after experiencing all of that hate and harassment toward us online and also directed at FRC, we just started to take a second look at this event."

Doyle added that after receiving threatening messages from anti-ex-gay extremists, he and other organizers were concerned about a repeat of the violence in Seattle, Wash., where Christians were recently attacked for opposing homosexual behavior. He said they were also concerned about the safety and security at the FRC, which was a "target of hate in August 2012 by Floyd Corkins, the gunman who shot a security guard at the conservative nonprofit organization.


19 июля 2013 г.

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