The Patriarch of Antioch expresses thanks to Russia

Moscow, February 20, 2015


“We thank Russia, its government and people, the Russian Orthodox Church for the Russia’s political and international position, for support of peace, its efforts to settle the conflicts and crises worldwide –above all in Syria and the Middle East region,” stressed Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East at his meeting with Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov.

“I am also grateful for the humanitarian aid that Russia has been sending to Syria and other countries of the region for those who are in acute need of it. We appreciate the efforts that Russia is making for a peaceful settlement of the region’s existing problems as well,” the Patriarch noted.

23 февраля 2015 г.

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Richard Harrison25 февраля 2015, 04:00
I wish to express my thanks to Russian Government and people too.RIck Harrison
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