Vidnoe, Russia, December 2, 2010

The relics were taken from the airport to the St. Catherine Monastery in the town of Vidnoe, just south of Moscow, were they were met by Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsa and Kolomna.
Met. Juvenaly thanked Archbishop Damian on behalf of all the clergy and faithful in Russia for the joy he has brought them by bringing these holy relics.
The regional governmental leader, S. N. Koshman, also greeted the delegation on behalf of the Governor of Moscow.
Despite the freezing temperatures outside, a multitude of people came to pray before the holy relics, and molebens with akathists were served throughout the night at the monastery before the relics of the Great Martyr.
On December 2, after Divine Liturgy, the relics were taken to the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow.