Patriarch Kirill to prayerfully commemorate 100th anniversary of Tsar Nicholas II's abdication

Moscow, March 10, 2017

Photo: Photo:

The centenary of the abdication from the throne of the holy Royal Martyr Tsar Nicholas II will be marked by a Patriarchal Divine Liturgy, as established by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church at its March 9th meeting in Moscow, reports the site of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The prayerful commemoration will take place March 15, on the anniversary of Tsar Nicholas’ stepping-down from the throne, which is also the day of the “Reigning” or “Enthroned” Icon of the Mother of God which miraculously appeared in the village of Kolomenskoye, near Moscow, on the same day as the tsar’s abdication. The appearance of the icon was perceived by the faithful as a sign that the Mother of God would protect the Russian land in the stead of the tsar, from which it takes its name.

The Reigning Icon is kept at the Kazan Church in Kolomenskoye Park where it was found, and is one of modern Russia’s main sacred objects. Patriarch Kirill is scheduled to celebrate the anniversary Liturgy in this church.

10 марта 2017 г.

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