Today we celebrate the Church New Year and with it a chance to recommit ourselves to working harder at making changes in our lives that will lead to spiritual growth. The Lord’s patience never runs out, so we always have the invitation to renew our commitment to Him.
The New Year, celebrated on the 1st of September (Old Style), is that moment in time when we should take a closer look at how we are using this life God has given us. Are we focused on things spiritual or are we strolling through life as though there were no tomorrow?
If the truth be known, many of you give all kinds of justifications as to why you don’t attend services on a regular basis. If it were work related you’d be there, but Church is seen as something that is at the bottom of the to do list. You wouldn’t consider going to work only when you felt like it. Nor would you miss family celebrations or social functions with your friends, knowing your loved ones would question your commitment to them.
Relationships are what you put into them. If you don’t feed a relationship it dies, just like a vine that is not watered. If you don’t place God in the heart of your week and the services in the temple as the central act of that week, how can you expect to be spiritually healthy?
Are you lazy about your spiritual life? Does a Sunday morning pass by without an effort on your part to get yourself to church? Are social engagements more important than the worship of God? If any of this is true for you, the Church’s New Year is a good time to turn things around and get yourself back on track. Make this new year one that has as it’s focus, personal renewal. Don’t sit back waiting for God to do it all, for He’s already done it. Do your part! Take that important step and make this the best New Year you’ve ever had!