Рейтинг: 9,4|Голосов: 13
Priest Leonid Kudryachov
He was once a regular Jew, not stupid, not rich, friendly. But then mammon beckoned him with an imperious gesture, and he began to serve it. His life sharply changed and he became a successful outcast: His work life was looking up, but his circle of friends dwindled to his co-workers.
Рейтинг: 9,7|Голосов: 3
The train wheels are squealing, like the drowning Gadarene pigs, and the horned and tailed engine driver is uttering dirty curses. All are poking their fingers at the disturber of the “peace”—condemning, ridiculing and threatening him. But he has already left.
Рейтинг: 10|Голосов: 1
The verse is brief, but it should be read slowly. Just two words, but each one is precious.