Sievierodonetsk (Ukraine), May 27, 2014

On May 24, the feast-day of Holy and Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Teachers of the Slavs, a city religious procession for peace took place in Sievierodonetsk. On that day, Bishop Nicodemus of Sievierodonetsk and Starobilsk headed the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Nativity of Christ in Sievierodonetsk.
A special prayer was offered up at the service for peace, overcoming of hostility and repose of those killed in the internecine war, reports the Sievierodonetsk Diocese’s website.

After the Liturgy, Akathist to the Lord for peace and mutual love among people was read. Then a city procession for peace in the motherland began, carrying a cross with a small portion of the True Life-Giving Cross, the “Tenderness” and “The three-Handed” Icons of the Holy Theotokos, a wonder-working Icon of St. Nicolas the Wonder-Worker and other shrines of the city’s churches. It proceeded from the Cathedral of Nativity of Christ, along the Kosmonavtov Street, the Gvardeiskiy Avenue, the Donetskaya and Energetikov Streets to the Church of the “Tenderness” Icon of the Mother of God.

At the end of the procession Bishop Nicodemus addressed all the faithful with an edifying word:
“In this time, difficult for each of us, we have celebrated the Divine Liturgy and held a cross procession for peace in our motherland with the Lord’s blessing…
“All adversities befall us because we forget the Lord’s commandment about love. So, if we had more love in our hearts, then they would simply have no space for hatred, anger and other sins and vices…”

The hierarch also noted the significance of cross processions:

“Cross procession is an ancient pious tradition. However, not all people know their meaning. A cross procession is a solemn prayer procession, hence its name. A cross procession is an expression of the people’s one faith and zealous prayer to the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints for divine aid to the Church and people. Religious processions go back to the Old Testament. Kings David and Solomon performed their prototypes. The Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem is an example of cross procession in the New Testament. This example was given by the Lord Jesus Christ Who solemnly entered the city of Jerusalem for His Passions on the Cross, accompanied by the people exclaiming: “Hosanna to the Son of David”. Cross processions were always loved in Russia and their strength of prayer was much appreciated. The people’s faith in help of saints of Heaven, honored at a cross procession, was boundless. Cross processions were arranged in the time of troubles: during a drought that might destroy the crops, epidemics, or a threat of enemy attack. People used to spend many days on their feet, fasting and praying, in scorching heat or under rain. But they received great mercy from the Lord for this. And today, performing the cross procession, we believe that through our prayers the All-Merciful Lord will send us the long-awaited peace and order”.