Tara (a town in the Omsk region of Siberia in Russia), December 13, 2014
The Tara Diocesan Center of voluntary aid and social support is appealing for help in collection and purchasing of necessary things for the civilian Ukrainian residents who are in a difficult situation of life, reports the diocese’s website.

There were in total over 300 refugees in the Tara Diocese. Now their time in the Centers of temporary accommodation is up and they are trying to settle down in this severe Siberian district.
The refugees are badly in need of various household items.
The Center of voluntary aid and social support has been founded at the “Zastava Ermaka Center” autonomous nonprofit organization in the Tara Diocese for rendering aid to the refugees upon their leaving the centers of temporary accommodation.
All those who are willing to help or donate can call to the contact center on the telephone number: +7-908-111-33-15 (Russia)