The cross will never be removed from the Greek flag,” minister of education states

Athens, September 22, 2014

Reports that the image of a cross would supposedly be removed from the flag of Greece appeared in the internet. Last week Education Minister of Greece Andreas Loverdos commented on this event.


“There was never any question of removing the cross from the flag of Greece, and neither will this question will never be raised. And even if there has appeared an initiator of something like that, we would look at him as at a madman,” said the minister at a press conference in Athens on September 18, reports Romfea.

“Nobody should believe in such a folly. I would rather refer to these silly publications as to suspicious ones. And there are two reasons: firstly, they draw your attention to a non-existent problem and thus create it; and secondly, they are misleading people,” the minister added, recalling the situation when reports of an alleged removal of bells had appeared in the internet.

“So, the subject is closed! And I will repeat that the issue of change of the flag was not raised, it is not being considered, and if someone starts talking about it, we will look at him as at a lunatic,” concluded Andreas Loverdos.

23 сентября 2014 г.

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