August 14, 2012

During the Divine Liturgy deacon Joakim Lindberg was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Theophan to serve in the Sts. Cyril and Methodius community in Hamburg.
Newly ordained father Joakim Lindberg is a son of the late priest Constantine Lindbergh who founded the German-speaking parish in Hamburg.
Archbishop Theophan bestowed patriarchal awards upon the priests of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany. To the rector of the Church in the city of KielArchpriest Vladimir Simonov was given a decorated pectoral cross, and to the to the rector of the Church of Saint John of Kronstadtin Hamburg, Archpriest Sergei Baburin a palitsa .
Concelebrating with Archbishop Theophan was his longtime friend and seminary classmate Archpriest Valentin Golikovsky as well as the clergy of the Serbian, Romanian and Bulgarian Churches.
After the Divine Liturgy infant Nikon Baburin was baptized by Archpriest Vladimir Simonov, anointed the infant Archbishop Theophan. After the service all faithful were offered tea at the Tchaikovsky Square in front of the church.