By Xavier Lerma

When Obama won again in 2012 there were claims of fraud and stolen elections. All was done electronically at the voting booth. For the first time paper ballots were not used ensuring Obama's victory. People claimed they clicked one name but Obama's name would only show. Where was the Tea Party? It had so much power in 2010. Even other conservative groups were nowhere to be found. Only some radio and internet outlets spoke of the fraud and stolen elections. This year it was proven that Obama's regime openly went after Tea Party leaders and other members with the IRS whose power it is to impose higher taxes and force audits upon them. Now things began to be clear as to why the conservative movement seemed powerless. An American housewife wrote me, "In the land of the "free" and the "brave," we are not permitted to voice our opinion publicly (we are simply the invisible, pathetic tax-payers or tributaries of the present regime)."
After the Great Patriotic War, Americans looked at Russians as atheists and communists. Russians were viewed as intelligent but liars and devils not to be trusted. When Solzhenitsyn came to America he was looked upon as a hero from the Soviet Union by the American press. The US media later portrayed him in a negative way calling him naïve and ignorant of American society even though Solzhenitsyn was only pointing out the truth known by many conservative Americans. His 1978 speech in this video in America at the Harvard University is not only true about America but prophetic as well. Solzhenitsyn knew communism was infecting society and saw its effect. He also saw "Destructive and irresponsible freedom" in America. Solzhenitsyn says in the USA, "Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as, for example, misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people, motion pictures full of pornography, crime and horror. It is considered to be part of freedom and theoretically counter-balanced by the young people's right not to look or not to accept. Life organized legalistically has thus shown its inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil." The US media made sure his words were ignored by many and society has become much worse in the last twenty years in America.
At another time he warns not only Americans but Russians as well, "We should teach future generations so they can avoid the mistakes of those who turn away from God. Otherwise, they will suffer the same fate as those who were murdered." Many conservative Americans understood Solzhenitsyn as they knew America was changing for the worse at that time. Yet, these American minds were always persuaded to see Russians as their enemy. During the 70's for example, on TV they showed the Victory Day parade from Moscow as the "May Day" parade as described by ABC, CBC and NBC news. They would stand in front of St Basil's cathedral and firmly state, "Here we are in front of the Kremlin... in this parade the Soviet Union is proud to show the world their military power". They never knew that St Basil was not the Kremlin but they managed to make Americans think that Russians were arrogantly threatening them with world domination. Christian leaders would thus see Russians as barbaric people needing conversion. They would encourage people to pray for them as well as trying to stop the evil in their own country.
Conservatives elected their own champion in 1980. President Ronald Reagan also admired Solzhenitsyn. Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire but many forget he also called communism in America evil as well. He warned his fellow Americans, "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." In 1983 President Ronald Reagan declared that year as the national Year of the Bible. He said, "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face." Also saying, "Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.". Reagan was trying to bring God back into the public. Already laws were established to keep prayer out of schools and nativity scenes banned. Even the 10 commandments were forbidden in many public places. He knew that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, "separation of church and state", meant that the Church must be protected from the state not as the American communists defined it as religion prohibited in public places.
Reagan turned America's eyes to the good that Russia has when he said on May 30, 1988 in Moscow, at the Danilov Monastery: "There is a beautiful passage that I'd just like to read, if I may. It's from one of this country's great writers and believers, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, about the faith that is as elemental to this land as the dark and fertile soil. He wrote: "When you travel the byroads of central Russia, you begin to understand the secret of the pacifying Russian countryside. It is in the churches. They lift their bell-towers-graceful, shapely, all different-high over mundane timber and thatch. From villages that are cut off and invisible to each other, they soar to the same heaven.... The evening chimes used to ring out, floating over the villages, fields, and woods, reminding men that they must abandon trivial concerns of this world and give time and thought to eternity."
Reagan admired Solzhenitsyn but this only made conservatives want to help those Russian atheists even more. They were not aware there were many Christians in Russia. After all, the TV never told them that. Television was becoming their god but they could not see it. Most Americans are Protestant and do not see the Orthodox faith as valid. Many think little of Catholics and see the Orthodox faith as being worse. The Protestants believe in miracles and even angels but not in the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, Holy Water or even Holy Communion where Christ clearly mentions it in the Holy Gospel of the Apostle St. John in chapter 6 verses 51-69. Protestantism comes from the word "protest" meaning disapproving openly. Many feel they can interpret the Bible any way they want.
They are different sects of Protestantism but all read their incomplete Bible in their churches and tell others what they think it means or what they have been taught. Some go to universities to become pastors of a church but it is easy in America to start a church. Loud music and holding hands during prayer is of primary importance. Sometimes they seem like country clubs just trying to help each other. Many church buildings inside look like theaters. They are very good people and I am not criticizing them I am just explaining them. Many of my American friends are Protestants. Billy Graham was an important Christian leader who was a very good man who helped and converted many. Once at a stadium full of people he spoke of what Christ said regarding John Chapter 6. He placed a cup in the middle of a table and invited all to drink from it. He was close to the real truth of Holy Communion and eternal life.
American Christians do not respect Christianity in Russia. Most do not know the churches are open and are very beautiful. There are Russian Orthodox churches in America but they are few in attendance compared to Protestant Churches. Protestants see no reason to stand. They prefer to sit. They want the music at their church to make them feel good inside just like a rock and roll concert. They do not like icons. They do not love the Blessed Virgin Mary. They do not understand praying to saints and candles are foreign to them. Witches use candles they say. So, even if they visit a Russian Orthodox Church and become inspired they are immediately turned away at the sight of people kissing the priests hands. They do not understand so they criticize.
However, when they watch Obama destroying their own country with no hero to save them they become frustrated and look to Putin. Although they hear the same mantra from their TV that Putin is a dictator, Putin is evil, Putin is a murderer; from the internet they see him kneeling at Christ's Holy Sepulcher which Obama never does when visiting Jerusalem. They see him going to church when they know Obama favors Muslims. They see Putin establishing laws to protect the church and laws against homosexuality. This they admire and this brings them hope. Hope in their crazy world where there is a leader willing to follow Christ. They have no Reagan but they see Putin whom they wish was their president. They write me,
"One of my fantasies is to kidnap Vladimir Putin and make him the leader of the US." - Jim
"The fact that Putin allows Christianity is an AMAZING thing, while Christians, true ones, are persecuted in anti christ America." - Robert
"Putin has encouraged the nation of Russia to return to spiritual values, whereas the US. is going in the opposite direction. " - Glen
"It is a shame that it takes someone from Russia to speak the truth that our media refuses to do. The reason they don't is because they are communists themselves. " - Steve
"Obama is definitely a communist, I have believed this all along. Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave." - John
"I used to live in a country where strong conservative morale character meant something. No longer and the days of darkness here in the USA have begun. " - Loy
"... it makes me want to help Russia and Putin in some way even though I have a US passport, I don't consider myself an American. I refuse to live there, and speak out against it s policies and life styles for decades." - Robert
"Putin seems like he is really trying to lead and do the right thing for his country. You are lucky. Obama is not done destroying my country." - Loy
If you still do not understand why American Christians admire Putin then see the video below that my US Marine friend made with my help. All agree with what Putin said and did in the video and prefer him or someone like him as their president. American conservatives hear only lies from their TV but what they see on the internet from Russia regarding Putin is true because Christ guides them to see the Truth.The Holy Spirit does not fail them and inspires them to see Russia. They know a tree by its fruit. Putin respects the Christian Church but Obama and their American government does not.