Merry Christmas! Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan HILARION, Archbishop of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. On January 7, 2015 natives of Pakistani Orthodox Believers outside Russia in Pakistan celebrated Christmas according to the Russian Orthodox Traditions and Faith. They participated in all religious activities with joy and spiritual passion. All the religious services on New Year and on Christmas Day were full of orthodox worshipers in Pakistan.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all those kind donors who have generously contributed with pure heart for the Christmas gifts, ration for widows and warm clothes for children. May the Most Holy Mother of God save them all. For the first time St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Mission in Pakistan has distributed Christmas gifts and warm clothes among the orthodox children and ration among the poor orthodox women.

I am grateful to His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion who shared his special Christmas Message and greetings with ROCOR Community in Pakistan.
This is worth mentioning that just like other churches on 25 December in Pakistan, the youth of St. Sergius Orthodox parish also voluntarily and with full zeal and zest decorated the Church Arena with buntings, stars, banners and colourful ribbons.
On Christmas day during the Divine Liturgy special prayers were offered for peace in suffering land of Pakistan and Middle East and other parts of the world, we also offer prayers for the health of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, for the Orthodox clergy and orthodox faithful all over the world. Festive lunch was served among the faithful.
The Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia was founded in the year 2011 is now flourishing rapidly by the divine Mercy of our Heavenly Father and under kind protection of the Holy Angels. In these four years we are working devotedly and preaching the holy orthodoxy in Pakistan though we have meager financial sources. We do not have the land for the worship and we celebrate the Divine Liturgy and other feast days in open place under the tents.

Humble Request: I have dedicated the Year 2015, that God willing we shall be able to buy land and build the first Holy Russian Orthodox Church in Pakistan and school for Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Christian Children. I earnestly pray to God that He may provide us the kind and generous donors for the completion of this sacred project. May the Most Holy Mother of God pray for us, only through Her intercessions we all are saved!!
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