Russian soldiers killed in Syria were commemorated in Moscow

Source: Interfax-Religion

Moscow, November 27, 2015


Several dozens prayed at the requiem service for Russian soldiers killed in Syria held at the chapel-church of Archangel Gabriel on the Khodynskoye Pole in Moscow.

Church rector priest Vasily Biksey who conducted the service said that more than a hundred test aviators perished in the sky over the Khodynskoye Pole when the first Moscow aerodrome Frunze was located there.

"We pray for the perished pilots during every Divine liturgy. Today we add the name of the Hero of Russia Oleg Peshkov to them," he said.

The requiem service for Russian soldiers was also held at the Moscow head-quarters of the all-Russian veteran organization Boyevoye Bratstvo.

"It is always painful when your compatriots perish. People who courageously stepped forward to fight world evil are heroes. I hope their sacrifice will not be in vain and a serious, or maybe even final blow on terrorists will be made," spiritual leader of the Movement for the Faith and the Fatherland Hieromonk Nikon (Belavenets) said after the service.

Father Nikon wonders why Turkey did not apologized yet but "tries to shift the blame" and says that such behavior "is not worthy of men."

A pilot of a Russian Su-24 hit by the Turkish air force was recently killed in Syria together with a marine who participated in the rescue mission and was killed after MI-8 helicopter was crashed by the militants.

As was reported, Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a decree to award posthumously the commander of the hit bombardier jet Oleg Peshkov with the title of Hero of Russia, and marine Alexander Pozynich with the Order of Courage.


27 ноября 2015 г.

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