Myrrh-streaming icon of the Resurrection revealed in Poland

Moscow, May 15, 2017

A myrrh-streaming icon of the Resurrection of Christ was revealed in the parish of St. Alexandra in Gmina Stanisławów, Poland, 25 miles east of Warsaw, on May 10, the feast of Mid-Pentecost, reports the site of the Warsaw-Bielskiej Diocese.

The icon was brought from the Holy Land with the Holy Fire in 2016. It had been consecrated on the Tomb of the Lord and donated to the parish.

A three-member commission, headed by His Eminence Sawa, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland, has confirmed the icon’s miraculous myrrh-streaming. His Eminence resolved that an Akathist in honor of the Risen Christ is to be read daily at 5:00 before the icon.

15 мая 2017 г.

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