Donetsk, August 26, 2014

The Church of St. John of Kronstadt in Donetsk has been burned down after a shell hit it, reports the TVC TV channel with the reference to Archpriest George Gulyayev, press secretary of the Donetsk Diocese.

“When will all this end? August 25 – the Church of St. John of Kronstadt in Trudovskiye settlement (Donetsk) suffered a direct hit. These are the west outskirts of Donetsk. The explosion caused a fire, the church burned down completely together with its church vessels and vestments. Glory to God, there are no victims.

“The church rector, Archpriest Alexander Matveyev, spent all the day in the subbasement with his parishioners. Before the shelling the priest removed the antimensions and the Eucharistic bread and wine,” wrote Fr. George on his “Facebook” page.

The Trudovskiye village is one of the remote outskirts of the regional center, where miners from the neighboring mines reside. Here several years ago the parish of St. John of Kronstadt was founded.