Here is a video clip of the Divine Liturgy from the recent vigil (7/11/15) in celebration of the first feast day since the canonization of St. Paisios. The video is of the service from the Monastery of Souroti outside of Thessaloniki, which treasures the holy and wonderworking grave of St. Paisios. At the feast was present the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, along with many other bishops, clergy, monks and nuns, and thousands of the faithful. In the video one can see beautiful shots of the church, excellent chanting from the nuns at Souroti, and video of the long line of people waiting to venerate the tomb of St. Paisios. May he continue to intercede for all those who suffer and who need his help throughout the world!
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!