Cologne: The eighth joint meeting of the Church Commissions begins today

COLOGNE: October 24, 2006

Today, the eighth joint session of the Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on talks with the Moscow Patriarchate and the latter’s Commission on talks with the Russian Church Abroad began at a church meeting hall in Cologne, Germany.

Participating on behalf of the Church Abroad are: the President of the Commission, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany; His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America; Archimandrite Luke (Murianka); Mitred Protopriest Alexander Lebedeff (the Secretary of the Commission) and Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff.

On the side of the Moscow Patriarchate are: President of its Commission, His Eminence Archbishop Innokenty of Korsun, His Eminence Archbishop Evgeny of Verey; Protopriest Vladislav Tsypin; Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) and Protopriest Nikolai Balashov (Secretary of the Commission).

At this meeting, the Commissions will begin to work out the protocol for the signing of the "Act on Canonical Communion." This joint meeting will conclude on October 26.

17 мая 2007 г.

Смотри также
Act of Canonical Communion Act of Canonical Communion His Holiness Patriarch Alexey II of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Laurus of New York and Eastern America, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Act of Canonical Communion Act of Canonical Communion The reestablishment of canonical communion will serve, God willing, towards the strengthening of the unity of the Church of Christ, of her witness in the contemporary world, promoting the fulfillment of the will of the Lord to “gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad” (John 11:52). Joint Documents of the Commissions Joint Documents of the Commissions Joint Documents of the Commissions Joint Documents of the Commissions As agreed and confirmed by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church (April 20, 2005) and by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (May 23, 2005), hereby published are the following four documents jointly developed by the Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate on discussions with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on discussions with the Moscow Patriarchate, approved by the Hierarchies of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Church Abroad. Report by Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) on the First Meeting of the Negotiating Committees of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate Report by Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) on the First Meeting of the Negotiating Committees of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) Report by Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) on the First Meeting of the Negotiating Committees of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate Report by Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) on the First Meeting of the Negotiating Committees of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate Archimandrite Luke In June, 2004, a preliminary meeting of the Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was held in Munich. Over the course of three days, we discussed and agreed upon our position. Archbishop Mark expressed the wish that we arrive in Moscow having coordinated our views on important church matters which were formulated in the mandate imparted to our Committee by the hierarchy of our Church; for example, on the relationship of the state and the Church, ecumenism, the ROCOR churches in Russia.
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