Moscow, January 17, 2017

All dioceses of the Russian Church will soon be receiving the document “Professions compatible and incompatible with the priesthood,” intended for broad discussion, writes the Church’s official site.
The draft document was created by order of an inter-council commission dated January 28, 2015. To discuss and comment on the document is possible on the official site of the Inter-Council presence,, and the Inter-Council’s official blog.
The draft document notes that “conditions of modern life sometimes raise the question of reconciling the priesthood and secular professions,” reports the online journal Foma. The following professions are suggested as incompatible:
- Military service and “generally any service, even in private corporations, involving the carrying and use of weapons”;
- Civil service in executive or judicial bodies;
- Medical activities connected with the shedding of
human blood, especially of surgeons (the example of St.
Luke of Crimea being an exception “connected with
the circumstances of the time” according to the
document) and other medical positions.
Here it is noted that “the ruling bishop may sanction the medical or paramedical activity of a cleric if it is able to bear good fruits”; - Personal businesses, especially in banking, credit, and insurance;
- Work in establishments of dubious reputation, such as gambling houses, casinos, etc.;
- Professional sports;
- Acting, dancing, stage singing.
Comments on the document will be received up through May 2, 2017.