Miracles of the Royal Martyrs

The Royal martyrs—righteous judges…

(An account by S. I. Naychukova, Moscow).

I would like to tell you how my family received help when I appealed to Tsar Nicholas II and his daughter Olga.

My own daughter, whose name is also Olga, owned and worked in a kiosk, for which she hired security guards to watch it after hours and during holidays. She kept this kiosk until September 1996 and then sold it, because she was expecting her first child. She processed all the papers and gave the documents to the internal revenue service. And then, a year and a half later, she suddenly received a court summons, where she was accused of having failed to pay the security guards for the month of September and was ordered to pay 2,000 rubles in arrears. The judge decided in favor of the security guards and ordered the debt to be payed within 10 days.

My daughter phoned me and tearfully told me about everything that had happened in court, despairing over the judge’s unjust attitude towards her. My daughter is not working at the moment, since she is bringing up a small child, and her resources are extremely limited, so that the payment of such a sum is out of the question for her. And I, being already familiar with the miracles of the Royal martyrs, advised her to pray to the Tsar-batyushka and to his daughter Olga, and I also prayed to them myself, asking them to help my daughter Olga.

How great was our surprise and amazement, when to my daughter’s declaration of disagreement with the verdict the judge replied: “The court’s decision is rescinded, and I refuse to examine this matter.” The representative of the security guards had no objections and they all left the court. Isn’t this so obviously God’s help through the intercession of the Tsar and his family?

… and guardians of their people.

(An account by the Vasilchenko family, Moscow)

We would like to tell you about the help our family received from Tsar Nicholas. With the birth of a second child we had the theoretical possibility of ameliorating our living conditions, but practically there was little hope. Nowadays it is not so simple.

Together with our two children we occupied one room of a two-bedroom apartment in a family complex. It was very difficult for us the keep peace with our neighbors. The nervous situation in the apartment had a particularly detrimental effect on our children’s health. Our priest gave us his blessing to pray and try to acquire a separate abode.

We were able to quickly gather all the necessary documents and hand them in to the housing commission, where we were told that although according to the rules we had a right to a separate apartment, we should not expect anything in the near future. Realistically we would probably have to wait several years. There were many candidates and too few apartments.

Two or three months passed. At that time we already knew the truth about Tsar Nicholas Aleksandrovich and were filled with tenderness and love for the Royal Family. We began to ask for the Tsar’s help with our housing problem, and with faith in God’s providence we went again to see the chairman of the housing commission. This time we were greatly amazed to learn that circumstances had changed, and we were offered an unexpectedly vacated separate two-bedroom apartment. What joy! We felt joy not only at receiving an apartment of our own, but also at feeling the closeness of the Royal martyrs and all the saints to us.

From that time on we often appealed to the holy Tsar Nicholas, and help came immediately under extraordinary circumstances. Since Tsar Nicholas Aleksandrovich was not only our Sovereign, but also head of a large family, we began to pray to him whenever we had family conflicts and disagreements. Peace was restored to our family very quickly. O holy Royal martyrs, pray to God for us!

The Royal Martyrs chase away evil spirits…

(An account by Galina Nikolayeva, Moscow).

I am 62 years old and have grown up in an atheistic family; I was only baptized at the age of 50. A year ago I and my friend Olga were returning from our dacha by bus. In that year of 1996 the Lord had given us an abundant crop of apples. We entered the nearly empty bus, and several old people got on with us. Suddenly a group of teenagers appeared on the bus like a whirlwind. Harsh music blared loudly, the old people were afraid to turn around and say anything, and simply sat, holding their ears closed. A horrible picture appeared before my eyes. One of the girls treated the entire group to a foul-smelling cigarette. The teenagers appeared to be possessed by an evil force: they shouted, laughed raucously, pushed each other, jumped up and down, hung out of the windows, and I froze at the thought of their ending up under the wheels of the bus. There was no use talking to them - they were unable to listen to anyone.

Olga and I began to pray. We read all the prayers we knew, but the frenzied activity did not cease. There were moments when we thought the bus would fall apart, or one of the old people would have a heart attack, or something unpredictable would happen. In despair we intensified our prayers, and the Lord heard us, sent us the following saving thought: we are travelling from Butovo, where thousands of priests and laymen had suffered from the godless regime; we should pray to the New Martyrs of Russia.

Then I appealed to Tsar Nicholas II with the following words: “Our dear Sovereign, Nikolay Aleksandrovich, forgive us, the children and grandchildren of those who had murdered you so heinously. Even though you are in heaven and we are on earth, we are still your subjects. Look at our children, what has become of them, they are unable to stand in Truth, which they have never been able to learn. This is not their sin. Every day the television, the radio, the aggressive ads, the pornographic publications pour like a turbid stream into their young hearts and poison them with the belief that everything is allowed and that Christian laws should be mocked and trampled upon. I beseech you, our Sovereign, to intercede for them before the Lord, to chase away the evil spirits which torture these unfortunate children.”

And the Tsar helped! Suddenly and unexpectedly the teenagers quieted down, and by the end of the trip we could even talk to them. Afterwards we often traveled on the bus with them and the horror was never repeated; we offered them apples, while they helped us carry our bags onto the bus.

O holy Royal Martyrs, pray to God for us!

…and help other nations.

(An account by the servant of God Maria.)

I have also been a recipient of a miracle on November 20, 1997. I look after the children of a Vietnamese lady - a 2-year-old girl and a 3-month-old boy. At 8:00 in the morning my lady went to Moscow to buy some necessary items, but a half-hour later she returned home in tears. At one point, as her car turned the corner, the door had opened and her handbag had fallen out. A large sum of money was lost - 500 dollars and 3 million 600 thousand rubles.

I prayed and hung up a “lost” poster, and then traveled to Moscow to the Danilovo cemetery. On the train there and back I read an akathist to Tsar Nicholas, asking him to help the Vietnamese lady for the sake of her small children.

While I was hanging up my poster, people laughed at me - who would ever return so much money! But I said that the money would be returned if a believer found it. For some reason I had hope that the money would be returned. I don’t know why, but I was even sure of it.

I came home in the evening and thought to myself - let me go and find out how things are with my Vietnamese lady. I came to her and she says - the money has been found, the man who found it brought it back himself.

Thus God helps us in difficult moments, and the saints pray for us and produce miracles. And this means that our Russian saints pray for other nations, too. I always pray to Tsar Nicholas and his Family. And the Lord Himself has shown that our prayers are heard.

The Tsar-Martyr saves our demonized youth…

(An account by Galina Volkova, Moscow).

For my sins the Lord allowed demons to enter my son, and one of them was even shown to me in my dreams as he entered into him - a vile mug with a jaw hanging down like a tongue overgrown with a hard stubble. My child had always been very complex, but at this point his personality disintegrated completely. From the summer of 1994 he stopped going to church, became friends with elements of the criminal world, was full of hate towards me, could not say two words without using foul language, began to smoke. His father engaged in bouts of heavy drinking, the child had no self-control, was easily provoked into terrible quarrels and fights with his father, received all E’s in school and was on the point of being expelled. With God’s help, in the summer of 1996 the demonic fits ceased after special prayers were read three times in the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, and he began going to church again, although very rarely.

On October 9th my son Oleg saw a dream. Across from his bed there is a chest of drawers, and coming out from under this chest he saw a huge fat snake. Oleg was terribly afraid, but next to him a familiar man began to beat the snake on the head with a sharp object and crushed it. Then he told Oleg to look and see whether there was anything else under the chest. Oleg dragged a stick under the chest and two smaller snakes came slithering out, whose heads were also crushed with the sharp object.

The dream started coming true with the following event. One day I bought in our church the third book on the miracles of the Royal martyrs, and began reading it together with my son. At the same time I hung a portrait of the Tsar, which I had also bought at the church, over his bed. After finishing reading I said to him: “Oleg, you have so many sins that the Lord is slow in forgiving them. Ask Tsar Nicholas II - he is here before you - to help you rid yourself of foul language.” I had mentioned the foul language because my son had not even wanted to repent of it, saying that he liked the sound of those foul words. Oleg appealed to Tsar Nicholas and went to sleep.

Several days later Oleg came home from school in great joy and said: “Mom, I was coming from school with my friend and I found a box with coins, and among them is a silver ruble with the image of Tsar Nicholas!” Soon afterwards I asked Oleg whether he was still using foul language in his conversations, and I learned that he could not stand saying those words any longer and that he had also lost all desire to smoke. I saw that an abrupt and noticeable change had occurred in my son, he began listening to me, comes to church with me every Sunday, goes to confession, and as a result of prayers to Tsar Nicholas he is becoming unburdened of his heaviest sins, from which we had all suffered since 1992.

Help from Saint Nicholases…

(An account by Sergey Bremer, reader at the church of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus in Moscow).

I once heard from a certain pious woman about the miraculous help she had received from the Royal martyrs, which I would like to tell you about. This woman (her name is Maria Dmitriyevna) works at our church of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus. During the summer months she goes to the dacha, where she grows a small vegetable garden on her plot of land which is located near Serpukhovo. The plot of land is large and uncultivated, so that when Maria Dmitriyevna decided to dig up the soil, it was clear that she could not do it without the help of a tractor. Unfortunately, however, all the tractor drivers of her acquaintance, who lived in the neighboring villages, flatly refused to help her: one said that her land was poorly situated, another that the soil was poor, a third that he did not have enough fuel, etc.

At this point Maria Dmitriyevna began to pray, asking for help from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, whom she greatly venerated. And her prayers were heard! Soon afterwards she was told that in the village of Novy Byt there was a good tractor driver, to whom she went for help, although there was little hope of it because the distance from Novy Byt to her plot of land was great.

To the woman’s great surprise and joy the tractor driver did not refuse her, came along with her and the land was soon ploughed. When the woman invited the worker to sit at the table and have some lunch, they started talking, and the tractor driver asked her in surprise: “How did you find me, since my village is so far away?” The woman decided not to hide the truth and told him how she had prayed and asked for help from Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and the holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II. Then the tractor driver said in reply: “Do you know, my name is Nikolay Nikolayevich.” Then both of them realized that a real miracle had occurred, and for a long time afterwards Maria Dmitriyevna thanked God and His saints, who had helped her in a difficult situation.

Holy Transfiguration Church, Baltimore, Maryland

Compiled by Archpriest Alexander Shargunov

16 июля 2012 г.

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Peter Sarandinaki25 февраля 2016, 23:14
I received small shavings of the relics of the Royal Martyrs in 1996. They were taped on a piece of paper. I put the folded paper with relics by our wedding icons and went to our kitchen. About an hour later I returned to my bedroom and found that the whole bedroom smelled like roses. I took the piece of paper with the relics - opened it and from the relics of Tsar Nicholas II and Dr. Botkin the smell of roses emanating was very very strong. They were telling me - it is us. My wife Maria Vladimirovna Tolstaya Sarandinaki is a witness as was my mother in law, Olga Mikhailovna Rodzianko. Sincerely Peter Sarandinaki Presiden Search Foundation, Inc.
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