Рейтинг: 8.4|Голосов: 5
Archimandrite Cleopa (Ilie)
This king committed so many sins that it is even beyond expression. But the Most Holy God, wishing to demonstrate the depth of His mercy and the boundless compassion towards people, in His providence led Manasseh to repentance. How did it come to pass?
Рейтинг: 6|Голосов: 2
In order to praise the Child and Virgin Mary, we must have good-natured hearts, as have infants, and a pure life untainted by carnal sins. To praise Her Who was to become the Mother of the Son of God we must have the heart of a mother, the tenderness and patience of a mother, and the love and compassion of a mother for all. Otherwise our prayers and our gifts, if they come from a heart full of sins, hatred and evil, will not be received by the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
Рейтинг: 5.8|Голосов: 4
Holy Tradition is the teaching of the Church, given by God with a living voice, a portion of which was later written down. Like Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition also contains Holy Revelation, and is therefore fundamental for our salvation. Holy Tradition is the life of the Church in the Holy Spirit; and, in concord with the enduring life of the Church, it is a wellspring of Holy Revelation, and thus it possesses the same authority as Holy Scripture.