Allah Has Deprived the Ruling Faction of Turkey of Reason - Putin

Source: Interfax-Religion

December 3, 2015


The ruling elite of Turkey is deprived of reason, and it is the punishment of Allah, stated President Vladimir Putin in a Thursday address to the Federal Assembly.

"Only, perhaps, Allah knows why they did it [shot down a Russian su-24 - "Interfax"]. And, apparently, Allah decided to punish the ruling faction in Turkey, depriving it of mind and reason," said the head of state.

As he said, any controversies, "which we have not even seen, could have been resolved in a completely different way."

"Moreover, we were ready to cooperate with Turkey on its most sensitive issues and were willing to go so far as even their allies were unwilling to do," said Putin.

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3 декабря 2015 г.

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