Russian-U.S. relations will improve under Trump - Jewish leaders

Source: Interfax-Religion

Moscow, November 16, 2016


The Russian Jewish community links hopes for the improvement of Russian-U.S. relations and policies on Israel to the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential elections.

"I believe that President Trump will continue the line started by Trump the candidate to improve relations with Russia. I also hope that the new American leader will be able to come away from the chimerical ideas and dreams with which the U.S. policies on Israel was linked for the past 20 years," Alexander Boroda, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, told Interfax-Religion on Wednesday.

Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, for his part, said Trump's victory allows the Jews of the whole world to hope that the Jewish people and the Jewish state now have a sincere friend. "I hope that, after becoming president, Donald Trump will take drastic steps to support the lawful rights of the Jewish people to the land of Israel," he said.

During his election campaign, Trump accused the current administration of the U.S. of neglecting the interests of the Jewish state. The candidate promised not to force the Israelis to sign a peace treaty with the Palestinians. He also reminded his voters that his daughter Ivanka is married to Jew Jared Kushner, has converted to Judaism and is raising her children in the Jewish tradition.


16 ноября 2016 г.

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Elizabeth 17 ноября 2016, 00:00
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