Sunday of the Blind Man

16 мая 2015 г.

  • Sunday of the Blind Man. There is no salvation without good character. There is no salvation without courage. 0 1 Sunday of the Blind Man. There is no salvation without good character. There is no salvation without courage. Fr. Seraphim Holland You cannot be saved without good character. You need it to follow the commandments. It has to be in the heart.
  • Saint Augustine of Hippo on the Sunday of the Blind Man 0 0 Saint Augustine of Hippo on the Sunday of the Blind Man St. Augustine of Hippo The Lord came: what did He do? He set forth a great mystery. He spat on the ground, He made clay of His spittle; for the Word was made flesh. And He anointed the eyes of the blind man. The anointing had taken place, and yet he saw not.
  • The Man Born Blind 0 0 The Man Born Blind John 9:1-35 Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Like the man born blind we live most of our lives on alms, we sit like beggars at the roadside holding out a hand in the hope that someone will notice, if not us at least our hand, and give us something to sustain us for the next few hours at any rate.
  • Sermon on the Sunday of the Blind Man 0 0 Sermon on the Sunday of the Blind Man Архимандрит Тихон (Шевкунов), Монахиня Корнилия (Рис), Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Perhaps today’s story of the healing of the blind man is especially important for us, for our generation. When the Savior walked near the blind man who was known throughout Jerusalem without asking him anything, not even about his faith, he passed by him and healed him. The blind man became a man who sees; the Pharisees began interrogating him, asking him who worked this great benefaction for him—something they themselves would never have been able to do.
  • On the Sunday of the Man Born Blind 0 0 On the Sunday of the Man Born Blind Archpriest Andrew Phillips In the case of the man born blind, all his life had been but a preparation for his meeting with Christ. Not only was his soul pure enough, refined by his lifelong handicap, to receive healing from the Lord, but also he confessed Him as the Son of God, thus making the works of God manifest in himself.
  • " For Judgment I am Come into this World..." 0 0 " For Judgment I am Come into this World..." Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) The Church, telling us today about this miracle of the Savior, at the same time chants in the person of each of us: “Blind with my spiritual eyes, I come to you, O Christ, like one born blind.” Not long ago we prayed to our Lord intensively: “Grant that I may see my own sins.” If we ask to see, to be able to see our sins it means we cannot see them as well as is needed. This is because our “spiritual eyes” are blind.
  • Can the Gospel of the Blind Man be Used to Support Belief in Reincarnation? 0 0 Can the Gospel of the Blind Man be Used to Support Belief in Reincarnation? Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) The idea of reincarnation completely contradicts biblical teaching. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation (Heb. 9:27–28). The emphasis in this citation is on the words that in both the Old and New Testaments are at the theological core of the teaching on human life and death: to die but once.
  • The Sunday of the Blind Man, and Courage 1 0 The Sunday of the Blind Man, and Courage Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Today in the Gospel we heard a story about an exceptionally courageous man—the man born blind. This man, having come to know and having seen God, was not afraid of any of the trials, of any of the temptations that the spiritually blind Pharisees, who warred against the truth, who warred against Christ, were setting before him.
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