Рейтинг: 9.8|Голосов: 51
Matushka Julia Sysoeva
This year marks the eighth anniversary of the martyrdom of the missionary Moscow priest Daniel Sysoev, who was shot in the church he built by a Muslim who was angered by Fr. Daniel’s ability to convert followers of Islam, on the evening of November 19, 2009. Matushka Julia, Fr. Daniel’s wife, has agreed to share her memories of her husband.
Рейтинг: 10|Голосов: 1
Catherine Lyulchak, Julia Sysoeva
It's probably as it is with all the newly widowed: most difficult is learning to live again without him. Life is divided into “before” and “after”—into different eras. But it is necessary to begin a new life, not to pull the load of continuous, depressing memories and resentments. This period of transition between one state and another was the most difficult. But from the first day I saw that the Lord intervenes in all situations, arranging the necessary route. The Lord leads me. This gives us strength.