Source: Interfax-Religion
Moscow, January 15, 2016

Director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Research Leonid Reshetnikov believes there is an attempt to eliminate Orthodoxy in Ukraine.
"Ukrainism from the very start was an anti-Orthodox concept: it was directed not only against Russians, against Moskals (Moscovites - IF), it was directed against Orthodoxy. This concept was formed in the West, in Austria-Hungary, in Poland, in Catholic countries and it is realized today," Reshetnikov said in his interview with the Radonezh radio.
According to him, the current task in Ukraine is the "exclusion of Orthodoxy as a foundation of our Russian Orthodox civilization but there wouldn't be civilization without it."
"We often say 'we are a civilization,' but we forget what civilization we are. There wouldn't be civilization without Orthodoxy. There is no civilization without faith. Today the doctrine of the West is to use this moment and finally destroy Orthodoxy in Ukraine by eliminating and intimidating Orthodox believers. Unfortunately, conditions for it have appeared," he said.
Reshetnikov noted that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church urges opponents to peace, but it shows that it does not understand "that the opponents are not people, they are satanic forces. They don't aim to live in peace, to reconcile, but they aim to eliminate, and at this time the only choice is to bear our cross, to confess Christ till the end."
"I am absolutely sure that the majority of believers belonging to the UOC-MP firmly defend Christ and stick to the positions of Orthodoxy. They won't betray Christ! They are the only real force in Ukraine, in Kievan Ukraine that resists, sometimes silently, not in barricades or attacks, but in their adherence to faith they resist! And the victory will be theirs," Reshetnikov said.