Source: ακτινες
February 8, 2016
Sponsored by the Dioceses of Glyfadas, Gortinos, Kithyron, Peireaus and the Synaxis of Clergy and Monastics, a conference addressing the upcoming Pan-Orthodox Council on the island of Crete in June will be held on Wednesday, March 23rd, 9 am - 9 pm in the "Melina Merkouri" Hall of the "Peace and Friendship" Stadium, in Peireaus, Greece.
Speakers include:
- Metropolitans Hierotheos (Vlachos) of Nafpaktou, Paul of
Glyfada, Seraphim of Kithyron, Jeremy of Gortinos,
Seraphim of Peireaus,
- Archimandrites Athanasius, Proigoumenos of Megali
Meteora, and Paul Demetriakopoulos,
- Protopresbyters George Metallinos, Theodore Zisis,
Sarantis Sarantou, Anastasiios Gotsopoulos, Angelos
Angelokopoulos and Peter Heers,
- Professors Demetrios Tselingides and Stavros Botzovitis.
Topics include:
- Ecclesiological and Pastoral Problems of the
non-participation of all the bishops of the Church
- The Church and Politics
- The Theological Dialogues and their Failure
- Old and New Calendar and the Celebration of Pascha
- Can a Pan-Orthodox Council redefine the traditionally
understood borders and identity of the Church by assigning
"ecclesiality" to the Heterodox?
- The Ethical and Canonical issues slated for discussion
and the institution of fasting
- The absence of the clergy and laity at the Pan-Orthodox
Council: A Pan-Orthodox Council without the fullness of
the Faithful
- The Recognition of Baptism as the Basis for a New
Ecclesiology (Alignment with Vatican II)
- The Holy Canons and the Pre-Syndoical Text: Relations of
the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian
- The Inter-religious opening up of Orthodoxy in the
Program of the Pan-Orthodox Council
- Orthodoxy Before the Challenge of Religious
- The 8th and 9th Oecumenical Councils: Issues which the
Pan-Orthodox Council should address