Source: Holy Trinity Seminary
November 29, 2016
Dear Friends of Holy Trinity Seminary,
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary provides students with rigorous academics and traditional spiritual formation, drawing pious Orthodox from all over the world who want to experience its unique environment. Incorporating an undergraduate education with a deep liturgical life in a monastic setting, we offer students a vital atmosphere to learn all the aspects of becoming a future pastor of the Church.
Your donations help us sustain our rich educational experience. This past year, we hired new faculty to teach Scripture and Philosophy and have invited guest lecturers from across the country to give talks on specialized subjects. To further give variety to the students’ intellectual development, we provide them the opportunity to participate in conferences.
Therefore, on this Giving Tuesday (11/29/2016), we ask for your generous support as we move forward, continuing to provide exceptional training for the future leaders of the Church and to improve the quality of education at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary. Additionally, this year only, every dollar you donate up to $50,000 to Holy Trinity Seminary by Giving Tuesday will be tripled by a generous grant. Please help us reach this goal – we cannot do this without your help!
If you have questions, please give us a call at 315-858-0945 or email us at
May the blessings of the Lord be upon you!
In Christ,
Archimandrite Luke

*Please note: all donations between now and November 29th, 2016 will be counted towards the Giving Tuesday fundraising total.