Ukrainian authorities ban Russian films from Orthodox film festival

Moscow, January 27, 2017


Just a few days before the January 26 opening of an international Orthodox film festival, Ukrainian authorities announced that the screening of all Russian films would be banned, reports Interfax-Religion.

Initially the Ukrainian State Committee for Cinematography banned the entire “Film Festival on the Dnieper,” believing it had discerned in it signs of propaganda from “aggressor countries.” They later softened their stance while still prohibiting the festival’s twelve Russian films.

“We opened the film festival yesterday, but all Russian films were banned. We apologize to the Russian directors who had to return their tickets and cancel their appearances at the festival,” said Archpriest Igor Sobko, the artistic director of the “Lestvitsa” Orthodox cultural center which organized the festival together with the diocese.

“I think that through this test we became stronger and more solidary in the common cause of Orthodox cinematography. There is no good work without temptations,” added Fr. Igor.

27 января 2017 г.

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